The weekly journal of photos and fabric education

Another week comes to an end, Xmas looming large in the horizon. Tomorrow I will post my Xmas guide to what you might like to buy yourself for Xmas. An excuse for me to go window-shopping around the world.

Last weekend I posted a fairly brief summary of our UK tour this summer. It’s difficult to keep pieces like that down in length, finding that balance between including some interesting bits and merely summarising. I think I got across the point that this was a very good trip though. Next year I’m thinking Scotland and the Hebrides will be good.

This week I have had a little fun with a series of fabric-related collages. A few more to come, but if you have an idea or request, let me know. All in the name of educating the masses, naturally.

Also, in a week or so I hope to announce the second of my collaborations. Teasers have been dangled on Instagram, but you’ll want to keep an eye out for this. Think indigo.

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