Tag Archives : Outer Hebrides

How Harris Tweed is made – From yarn to tweed – Part 2

If you’d asked me a year ago how Harris Tweed was made, I’d have replied something close to this: The wool comes to the mill and is made into yarn. The yarn is transported to the weavers at their crofts and they weave it into tweed. The tweed is then transported and made into many wonderful things. Job done. Sounds…

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How Harris Tweed is made – From wool to yarn – Part 1

If you’d asked me a year ago how Harris Tweed was made, I’d have replied something close to this: The wool comes to the mill and is made into yarn. The yarn is transported to the weavers at their crofts and they weave it into tweed. The tweed is then transported and made into many wonderful things. Sounds pretty plausible,…

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Trouser Tuesday: Extraordinary strides from Nigel Cabourn

Welcome to part four of the 4-part mini-series presenting different takes on tweed trousers. So far we’ve had a look at a good pair from Toast, a reasonably priced pair from H&M and a rather special pair from SEH Kelly. What could todays instalment possibly be? What possible angle could I find to justify the inclusion of another pair of wool trousers? Apart from boldly…

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Trouser Tuesday: Something a bit different from SEH Kelly

Welcome to part three of the 4-part mini-series presenting different takes on tweed trousers. So far we’ve had a look at a good pair from Toast, a reasonably priced pair from H&M, and today we will investigate an unusual pair from SEH Kelly. Unusual in which way, you may be thinking, we are talking two-legged trousers and how unusual can…

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Trouser Tuesday: Toast does Harris Tweed

This is the first part of 4 where I’ll be taking a look at tweed trousers. I’ll feature a mid-range pair, a low-end pair, and rather unusual pair, and an expensive pair, which also happen to be maybe the silliest trousers around. To start things off I’ll go with the mid-range, then we’ll work our way along, week by week.…

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The weekly journal of photos and fabric education

Another week comes to an end, Xmas looming large in the horizon. Tomorrow I will post my Xmas guide to what you might like to buy yourself for Xmas. An excuse for me to go window-shopping around the world. Last weekend I posted a fairly brief summary of our UK tour this summer. It’s difficult to keep pieces like that…

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Outerwear: Nigel Cabourn Mallory jacket in Harris Tweed

For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted a proper tweed jacket. Not one of those thin looks-like-tweed jackets that you typically find in the shops, more a blazer than a jacket, and certainly not for wearing outdoors, but a rugged, thick and proper jacket. Every time I’d see something tweed-like, I’d feel it, and every time it was…

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Icons: Harris Tweed

Harris Tweed cloth must be the most fabled and mythical of cloths in use today. With a history going back over 200 years, the story reads more like a fairytale than a straight history lesson. A fairy tale with highs and lows, a fairy godmother, an evil persona, a prince to save the day and happily ever after. Let’s not…

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