Monthly Archives : February 2015

Celebration! 2 years, 300 posts!

Time for a another celebration today, a mere year after the last one. Please don’t think me pompous, self-satisfied, smug or ego-stroking, but reaching a milestone 300 posts and keeping up blogging for two full years does make me feel quite pleased with myself, and yes, a little smug and self-satisfied. Perhaps not so much pompous and if I have a failing…

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Morgan Motor Cars, worth a visit

A while back I posted a couple of reports from this summers holiday in the UK. Basically, we drove around the South and then drove some around the North, and in between, we stopped here and there and looked at interesting things. In part one of the road trip, I mentioned that we’d stopped off to visit the Morgan Motor…

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DIY: How to sew your own buttons

If there is one task that our robotic helpers have never quite mastered it is the seemingly simple task of sewing buttons on garments. You can always tell when this has been done using machines, as … well, the buttons fall off. Sometimes it will take a while, other times almost before you have started using them. It starts with…

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The story of a simple field jacket

Those of you that follow my Instagram have been seeing unsubtle little teasers for this one for a  while now. It’s been in the works, the really slow works, for months. Now though it has sprung forth, not unlike one of those butterflies you see on the high-definition nature channels. Yes, the big colourful butterflies that remind you of jackets.…

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Cool stuff: Maunsell forts, a little off the beaten track

I occasionally come across things that are so cool that, while they sort of fall outside the usual scope of Well Dressed Dad, I just have to mention them anyway. The Maunsell forts are a case in point. If you’ve ever seen them, they’ve probably made an impression on you in one way or another.   Sea forts, what on…

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How to save your bacon when asked to dress nice…

A couple of weeks ago I was press-ganged into attending a company dinner with WDG, aka she who must be obeyed. Now, anyone that has followed me for a while knows that I don’t do suits, as in the only suit I own is from 1945 and of a decidedly vintage style. My job requires me to be fully clothed…

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Consumer Advocate: The Dr Martens #solegate saga part 2!

A while back I posted about how I discovered that my classic Dr Martens shoes had developed split soles (read the original post here!). Although four or five years since I had purchased them, they had seen little use and I was very surprised to find that the soles, while displaying marginal wear elsewhere, had split along the sides, opening…

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Cutting it fine, this weeks pictotorial

This weeks instalment of my editorital slash pictorial. I’ll keep it short and sweet, as thanks to the flu, and the ensuing general air of pestilence prevailing throughout the mansion, life has been moving a lot more slowly than usual. I was hoping to complete a stack of posts to bring my two-year production up to a nice round number, but…

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Beat the conspiracy – get your glasses online

Last time I bought a pair of glasses I splurged a bit and got a pair of rimless titanium frames. They cost me about 700 pounds all in, which seemed quite immense, but the optician had a scheme where you could divide the cost over a number of months. Which of course is a classic way of making something expensive…

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Rain and shine, this weeks sunny pictotorial

This has truly been a week of ups and downs! It started well with my new specs arriving last Friday. The feedback on these has been pleasing, though this isn’t the only notable and interesting point about them. Yes, they fit fine and it’s wonderful to have fresh and unscratched lenses, but they are also the result of doing some…

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