Monthly Archives : August 2016

Lane Fortyfive, the small-batch gin of clothing?

One of the aspects I enjoy most about being a blogger is getting to know interesting people and this week I had a long chat with the chap behind new label “Lane Fortyfive“. The chat, as it turned out, was very much a coming together of minds, as Tan is ticking a huge number of checkboxes when it comes to…

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False-memory syndrome – The Hip Hop family tree

Remember back when you were a kid? There was no Internet and the closest you got to the wisdom of Google was your dad? When information came by way of newspapers or TV and libraries were awesome, though not so much on the sort of important breaking news that was the lifeblood of being a hip teenager? Today we’re so utterly…

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Is the Ruc-Tote the Kinder chocolate or Swiss army knife of luggage?

Combining features has long been a way for products to innovate. The Germans do the Kinder Eggs, promising three distinct joys for a single purchase. The Swiss army have, by way of Victorinox, Wenger or whatever, introduced the world to the sheer joy of combining an increasing number of tools in one (now barely) hand held piece. I’ll not hotly…

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Approved running gear for dads by Iffley Road

A number of years ago I took up running. I came to it late in life, and until then I’d quite frankly avoided it, so I was more surprised than anyone that I ended up rather enjoying it. Very much more so than most other forms of exercise that I’ve tried. If you’d like to know how I got started, I…

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The scent of the apocalypse

We’ve all been there. Squeezed up against the window in some public transport or other, jammed solidly in place, no possible means of dignified escape. It’s not the physical restraint that is the main issue, more a matter of olfactory lockdown, if you get my drift. We’re talking about the terror of a woman of advanced age (and no, I’m…

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Blue Blooded, just another denim book?

Is it just me or has there been something of a deluge of denim-related books the past couple of years? And none of them really all that good? Like this really bad one or this slightly better one. At least from where I’m sitting there has been more enthusiasm than actual content, more styled and curated photography than actual words…

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