Monthly Archives : November 2015

Book review: “Dressing the man” by Alan Flusser

Today’s book is a heavy one, and full of knowledge and facts. It’s clocks in at some 300 odd pages, profusely illustrated and lots of text. Published in 2002, this is a timeless tome indeed. And properly hefty, in it’s hardbound format. This is not a book to be taken lightly! The full title of the book is “Dressing the…

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Gloverall 1951 – more lookbook goodness

There are a few British company names that strike me as being incredibly evocative. Barbour is one, Gloverall is another. The story behind Gloverall is so quintessentially quirky and British that I shake my head in wonder every time I think of it. Way back after WW2 the company was called Gloves & Overalls Ltd. in 1951 though bought a…

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More army aceness: Swedish wool jacket from 1956

I’m not quite sure why, but lately I appear to have been veering off the straight and narrow menswear track and more into the undergrowth of vintage and army gear. Thinking back it might have been finding the vintage Harris tweed jacket in Liverpool (the one that became the acclaimed first tweed project), or maybe it was falling for the…

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Editorial: Fine reading, lookey looks and and torrid tweed – The week that was

Autumn, a time for deep contemplation, catching up on reading and taking photos of colourful, fallen leaves, naked trees and certain men showing their daily outfits? Yes, those Instagram photos keep appearing on a regular basis. If you don’t follow me, I’ve included them below for your viewing convenience. Speaking of reading, I’ve noticed the stack menswear-related titles has been…

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A look into the lookbook: Realm & Empire AW15

Lookbooks are a strange thing. Brands spend time and money producing what amounts to a sort of picture book surrounding their collection, setting the look and mood of how they would like their product to be seen. Not the plain product photos you’ll see in the webshop, with all the details and such shown, but staged photoshoots, with props, weather and lifelike…

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Norris Tweed: Into the un-Googleable world of vintage

Anyone who has followed me for a while will know that I am very much into things that are a little off the beaten track. The stuff that most have forgotten, or stuff that has yet to attract the attention of the braying masses, or even just odd things. Hence why I love poking around vintage markets and jumble sales. You…

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