Tag Archives : Norway

Review: The Serac T2 Hybrid coat, up close and personal

It’s a strange thing, blogging about menswear. At least to me. I get easily bored, so I’m always keeping an eye out for things that are new and interesting, both for my own interest, but also because a menswear blog that is always writing about the same thing quickly gets a bit boring. That is also a thing, as to be…

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The Garmsman Dozen #7: Even from Norway

Welcome to the seventh instalment of the “Garmsman Dozen” question and answer session. The response so far has been tremendous. Did you miss earlier ones? There are links at the end of the page. This week we welcome to the Garmsman Dozen Even Ramsvik from Norway! Who are you, where do you live and what interests you? Even Ramsvik, 34…

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A seasonal reversal – the week that was

An early Spring is a strange occurrence indeed. I yearn for Spring and tend to let Mother Nature trick me every time she stages a fake Spring, believing those sunnier and warmer days are here to stay. I still shudder at the thought of growing up in the North of Norway, where a late Spring could easily lead into an…

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The story of a simple field jacket

Those of you that follow my Instagram have been seeing unsubtle little teasers for this one for a  while now. It’s been in the works, the really slow works, for months. Now though it has sprung forth, not unlike one of those butterflies you see on the high-definition nature channels. Yes, the big colourful butterflies that remind you of jackets.…

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To Bergen and back – This weeks pictotorial

Missed out on last weeks editorial and Instagram pictorial update, sorry! Headed to Bergen for a weekend of debauchery and mental goings on. Or maybe just a little shopping (Lot 333 is the only Norwegian stockist of Hansen Garments) and relaxation. I have an image to uphold, dontchanow. The much awaited indigo-dyed deadstock cotton shirts are now back from Thailand,…

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A weekend in Gothenburg

While I am quite happy to enjoy a weekend at home in the mansion, with a fire roaring in the fireplace, a mug of tea at hand and good book, I also like travelling and visiting new places. And by visit I mean “go somewhere for a walkabout”. Last weekend saw me getting restless and once it was determined that…

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All the stuff you missed: The best of 2014!

Sitting here at the start of a new year, it appears the world at large is more interested in looking back at 2014 than forward to what the new year will bring. So, not wishing to disappoint my dear readers, I will of course also offer an opportunity to revisit some of my more lavishly interesting posts from the past…

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A glimpse into the past

Whilst on one of my recent prowls of the local thrift shops I came across a find that really set my interest in motion. In amongst the usual fayre of high street rubbish and outmoded suits there was a rather unassuming cotton shirt. Natural coloured, not even the usual bleached white. I almost went past it, but something called to…

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The “back to reality” Instagram round-up

Since last weeks round-up I’ve made my way back from the chaos of India to the relative peace and calm of my home in Norway. Apart from obvious things like the temperature being about 20C colder and it raining almost all the time, I think it may be the silence and calm that makes the most difference. Cycling past what…

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