Monthly Archives : November 2023

Garmology podcast: The Nettle Dress – with Allan Brown (#134)

This week, we embark on a journey to Brighton to talk to Allan Brown about his profound connection with nettles. Allan’s unwavering commitment to crafting a garment from inception unfolded against the backdrop of his local woodlands, where the unassuming nettle became a transformative medium. Delicately harvesting and methodically drying the plants, the meticulous process of extracting fibres and skillfully…

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Garmology podcast: The level collective – With Mark Musgrave (#133)

Get ready for an engaging chat with Mark Musgrave, the creative force behind the ethical micro-brand The Level Collective. They craft robust backpacks, purposeful clothing, and useful tools, blending old-world craftsmanship with a modern minimalist flair—all while championing environmental stewardship. Mark, a self-professed product design enthusiast, is an accidental entrepreneur juggling numbers while staying true to his design ethos. Collaborating…

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