Monthly Archives : November 2017

Outerwear: The Grenfell X Cordings Shooter jacket

Another classic jacket on the review bench today, the Cordings x Grenfell Shooter, a design first available in the 1940’s. For reasons that will become clear, I have divided this post into 4 parts. Let us proceed.   The history of Grenfell and Cordings There is a lot of history combined in one jacket here. The maker, Grenfell, has it’s…

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The making of a classic Norfolk jacket in Harris Tweed

It seems like such a long time since I visited the Hebrides on my grand Harris Tweed expedition, though in reality it’s only been 6 months. The memories are still vivid though, as both the experience was wonderful and the photos great. I wrote about the trip previously (part one and part two), so won’t recap too much of that…

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