Monthly Archives : April 2015

The indigo detective investigates colour bleed

I have a high level of natural curiosity, and when I wonder about something I want to find out more about it. It usually isn’t quantum physics or anything that would save the planet, though maybe every small thing helps? Heck, who am I kidding, I just notice small anomalies and have to scratch the itch. What was it that made…

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The weeks that were – a bumper catch-up

What with convalescence and a long Easter holiday I quite forgot to post my weekly summary of Instagram images. To make up for this unacceptably poor level of service, I hereby offer up an almost full selection. And to add further joy to the event, a lot of the images are of the evil twins, or triplets, in some cases.…

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Trouser Tuesday: Selvedge denim, how low can you go?

This review is a tricky one. No doubt about it. There comes a time when you’ve written a few reviews of denim trousers, spending time finding out what is different or special with each pair, describing, measuring, considering. And then you come to a pair like this, where there is almost nothing to say. You find yourself struggling, flailing even,…

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A couple of alternative waxed jackets

The green waxed jacket, normally with a Barbour label somewhere on it, is a staple of the British look. Maybe not so much for the average British chap, but for the those aspiring to the hunting and gentleman farming look of the more elevated gents, the traditional green waxed jacket had a definite place. I have no problem with that…

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