Tag Archives : Hebrides

Garmology: From the isles comes the cloth – Harris Tweed with Lorna Macauley and Rebecca Hutton (S02/E05)

This weeks episode is all about Harris Tweed, a legend among cloths and arguably the most socially significant of fabrics. My guests this week are Lorna Macaulay and Rebecca Hutton from the Hebridean Islands. Lorna is CEO of the Harris Tweed Authority, promoters and protectors of the tweed, and Rebecca Hutton, an independent single-width weaver at Taobhtuath Tweeds. We talk…

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How Harris Tweed is made – From loom to shop – Part 3

If you’d asked me a year ago how Harris Tweed was made, I’d have replied something close to this: The wool comes to the mill and is made into yarn. The yarn is transported to the weavers at their crofts and they weave it into tweed. The tweed is then transported and made into many wonderful things. Job done. Sounds…

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How Harris Tweed is made – From yarn to tweed – Part 2

If you’d asked me a year ago how Harris Tweed was made, I’d have replied something close to this: The wool comes to the mill and is made into yarn. The yarn is transported to the weavers at their crofts and they weave it into tweed. The tweed is then transported and made into many wonderful things. Job done. Sounds…

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How Harris Tweed is made – From wool to yarn – Part 1

If you’d asked me a year ago how Harris Tweed was made, I’d have replied something close to this: The wool comes to the mill and is made into yarn. The yarn is transported to the weavers at their crofts and they weave it into tweed. The tweed is then transported and made into many wonderful things. Sounds pretty plausible,…

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The making of a classic Norfolk jacket in Harris Tweed

It seems like such a long time since I visited the Hebrides on my grand Harris Tweed expedition, though in reality it’s only been 6 months. The memories are still vivid though, as both the experience was wonderful and the photos great. I wrote about the trip previously (part one and part two), so won’t recap too much of that…

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Travelling to the land of Harris Tweed – part two

After a busy day one getting to know the nitty gritty of Harris Tweed and discovering Stornoway (catch up on it here), day two I was up early and rearing to go. Having read the Hebridean crime novels and the accompanying photos book by Peter May, I was very excited to experience it first hand. Not so much the murders, mind…

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Travelling to the land of Harris Tweed – part one

Ever since I rediscovered Harris Tweed it has been a desire of mine to travel to the Hebrides and seek out it’s roots. Last year we did a mini-tour of Scotland and ended up in Ullapool, the village where the ferry to the Hebridean islands leaves from. Just a three hour trip on the ferry and I could have been…

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The Hebridean Instagrams

While I finish my part one of my epic report of visiting the Hebrides to look at Harris Tweed, I though it would be nice to recap with the Instagram photos I posted while on my trip 2 weeks ago. Maybe you missed a few, or even all, or maybe you’ll just savour the opportunity of taking it in again?…

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The anatomy of a cult object – The deerstalker

Great title, right? Not something I came up with, mind you, I purloined it in a dastardly manner from an old friend who wrote a painfully meticulous book detailing every little component of the early Jaguar XK120, definitely a cult object in it’s own right. Todays post though? The deerstalker hat. Traditionally a hunting cap first heard of in the 1860s and…

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My daydream holiday destinations

The other day I found myself thinking about places I’d like to travel to. “Like” is not really a strong enough word, though. Maybe “urge” is more descriptive. Places or things I feel I have to experience, and soon, as some of them probably won’t be there forever. My destinations might not be what most consider proper “holiday” destinations though. My current top…

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