Tag Archives : shirt

The answer to shirts that don’t fit

A while back I was talking about shirts and how hard it was to find a shirt that fit the two most important criteria of shirts, that it was a shirt I liked and that it fit me. The first part of this is pretty open, there are almost infinite amounts of shirts available, in any number of fabrics, styles…

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The dotsuit part 2: The verdict

One of my more memorable outfits of 2018 was the now infamous dotsuit, or to use it’s real name, the ZOZOsuit. To read the original article, click here, but the short version of it is that using a body fitting suit with coded dots applied to it, an app on your smartphone can make quite accurate measurements of your body,…

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Consumer advocate: What can you expect from an expensive shirt?

While in Edinburgh this summer I happened to stop by Harvey Nichols and found their sale was on. I scored a cracking deal on a pair of Red Wing boots, and found an interesting shirt as well. The shirt is green, in a slightly military cut, and made from “Tencel“. This grabbed my attention, as I’d not come across it before.…

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Approved running gear for dads by Iffley Road

A number of years ago I took up running. I came to it late in life, and until then I’d quite frankly avoided it, so I was more surprised than anyone that I ended up rather enjoying it. Very much more so than most other forms of exercise that I’ve tried. If you’d like to know how I got started, I…

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How to double your rack capacity for a fiver

Sturdy, reliable, solid and pleasing to the eye. I might be talking about chaps of a certain age, though in this instance I’m talking about clothes hangers. Shapely wooden clothes hangers. The type that will let you hang anything on them, from the flimsiest of cotton shirt to the most stonking parka you can find. And there lies todays topic.…

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My favourites of 2015: The Tender 470 shirt

It was suggested to me that after another year of looking at, writing about, and, almost as an afterthought, actually wearing clothes, maybe I should give a mention to some of my favourite pieces of the year? Which garments are the ones I liked best, at the end of the day? Did the initial crush turn into a lasting appreciation?…

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Harry Stedman – quality modern classics

Some brands have been around since loincloths came into fashion, others are more recent entrants to the jostling world of menswear. One of the latter companies, and one I only came across quite recently, is Harry Stedman. The company takes it’s name and inspiration Harry himself, father and grandfather respectively of the two guys behind the company. Born in 1934 Harry…

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DIY: How to sew your own buttons

If there is one task that our robotic helpers have never quite mastered it is the seemingly simple task of sewing buttons on garments. You can always tell when this has been done using machines, as … well, the buttons fall off. Sometimes it will take a while, other times almost before you have started using them. It starts with…

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How to save your bacon when asked to dress nice…

A couple of weeks ago I was press-ganged into attending a company dinner with WDG, aka she who must be obeyed. Now, anyone that has followed me for a while knows that I don’t do suits, as in the only suit I own is from 1945 and of a decidedly vintage style. My job requires me to be fully clothed…

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