Monthly Archives : July 2019

The top-15 all-time most read articles (and least read)

It’s getting on for 7 years, but in that time I’ve published close to 600 articles here on the blog. Some get a lot of reads, others not so many. As a service to my regular followers that may be stuck for something to while away the Summer days, I’ve assembled two lists of suggested reading material. One covers the…

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Making a jacket out of a vintage army tent

There is something about the simplicity and honesty of an old army tent that really gets my creative juices flowing. It’s a 3-pack really, a diamond-shaped shelter fabric, two short tent-poles and some pegs. Not that I’ve found an actual use for the wood poles and metal pegs yet, though at some point they’ll no doubt find some use. The…

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Sustainability, recycling, reusing and.. plastic

The topic of sustainability is constantly evolving, with both consumers and makers getting involved to a greater or lesser degree. Hence, I wanted to do a followup piece with some new ideas and information. It’s very easy to become confused or swayed when reading or listening to pundits or companies go on about the ethical and environmental aspects of the…

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Summer jackets for 2019: Frahm jackets

The summer of 2018 in Europe was an absolute disaster for both farmers and garmsmen. Crops failed massively in the dry heat and menswearists that usually layering their clothing enthusiastically were struggling to cope with the fact that even a single layer was one layer too far. So far it looks like 2019 is a different tote of terror, hence…

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Commemorative silk escape map scarves from the IWM

If you read my recent review of the Taktonik messenger bag, you’ll have noticed that the inside of the lid was lined with a silk escape map. This was a type of map provided during WW2 to servicemen that risked being stranded behind enemy lines and might need guidance to find their way home. The history of the silk escape…

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