Monthly Archives : February 2014

A few thoughts about workwear…

I’ve been meaning to write something about workwear for a while now, but find myself prompted now by my friend Svante “Urban Hippie” Nybyggars writing a piece about it over on the excellent site Denimhunters. While I for the most part agree with Svantes sentiments about workwear, I feel inspired to chip in with my 2 øre on the matter.…

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A year of blogging vigourously

This is a strange post to be writing, as when I started the blog exactly a year ago, I probably didn’t hold much hope of actually keeping it up this long. So many blogs seem to launch with so much promise, only to disappear with barely a whimper after a short while, I really feel I have achieved something in…

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Blog anniversary giveaway prize details!

Details, details are important, and I meant to post more details of the anniversary giveaway yesterday. Sorry about my tardiness! Here is the update: To celebrate the one year anniversary of Well Dressed Dad, I have been fortunate enough to enlist the support of some of the friends I have made through a year of blogging. Each has donated something…

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My new tweed iPhone cover

One of the joys of blogging is the voyage of discovery it has become. I started out with a certain amount of knowledge and a selection of things I liked, yet one thing has led to another and as my knowledge has grown, my tastes have also evolved and changed, and I’ve found many new topics that I find interesting.…

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Review: "My rugged 211" by Minouru Onozato

I recently managed to source the book “My Rugged 211” by Minoru Onozato. Onozato-san is Editor in chief of the Japanese magazine Free & Easy, and hence very influential in what may be considered the retro and heritage clothes culture in Japan. Free & Easy magazine is Japanese-language only, but well illustrated, and is quite popular in the West, even if…

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Unfashionable fashion and DadStyle

A recent book purchase has proved to be a valuable source of inspiration and food for thought to me. The book in question is “My Rugged 211” by Minoru Onozato, editor in chief of the Japanese magazine Free & Easy. Free & Easy is one of several Japanese magazines covering the retro and heritage clothes culture in Japan. Quite popular…

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Anniversary giveaway coming up!

The coming Tuesday, the 25th of February, marks the one year anniversary of the Well Dressed Dad blog. To celebrate it I will be hosting a giveaway, sponsored by some of the good companies I have made friends with during the year. To make things easy, I will be doing this on Instagram, and the 6 lucky winners will be…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Version 4 is all about the stripes

I know, I’ve been late in delivering the next iteration of the Waistcoat Project. To be honest, this one caused me so much trouble it almost sunk the entire project. The Singer just totally refused to do the buttonholes for me. So much so that I’ve since invested in a vintage Singer for future buttonhole duties. The issues with the…

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Some fantastic footwear for the spring (and summer)

Hot on the heels of my spring jackets guide comes this, the unmissable guide to footwear for the spring season. Now, those that have been following me for a while know that I don’t do trainers or running shoes, apart from when I’m working out or running. And when it comes to style trainers really are not in my game.…

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Sizing, and why it appears to baffle the boffins

Sizing of clothes is a topic that is close to my heart, and not in a good way. I’m sure I’m not the only one to find it quite supremely annoying how it seems impossible for manufacturers of clothes to do something as apparently simple as mark clothes with an actual size that bears some relation to the garment itself,…

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