Monthly Archives : May 2016

Summer anorak goodness from Gloverall

Readers with an attention span longer than that of a gnat will recall that last winter I succumbed to the charms of Gloverall not once, but twice, and will show little surprise at me falling head over heels again. And after a duffle, it’s another duffle! Not a big wool duffle though, but a summer duffle. Is that even something?…

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Pure quality from London town: The Grenfell Holloway

A lot of companies try for the underground thing, that thing where only those in the know know and the others may only wonder, or never even notice. Other companies are just not very well known, operating under the radar, so to speak, through a combination of operating on a different plane, and well, just doing their own thing. Grenfell…

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The derelicto to usable white tee project

I like my white t-shirts. Breaking out a crisp and fresh white tee is one of life’s small pleasures. In this respect I could easily relate to The Wire, where Bubbles tours Hamsterdam hawking his white tees. I do see the possible problems in taking fashion and lifestyle advice from The Wire though, so I won’t make too much of…

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Leather wallets: Two more variants for your consideration

A while back I posted a review of the Minimum Squared wallet, an innovative design (and incidentally it has won a design award since I wrote about it). Today I’m taking a look at two more variants I have been using recently. One is a very traditional type of cardholder, the other one with some added different. Oh, and while the…

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A different take on camo by Realm & Empire

There is something I need to get off my chest before we go on: I don’t really get the fascination many have for wearing clothes with various camouflage patterns. I don’t think they look nice, and they certainly don’t have any utility value (for starters most are wearing either woodlands or desert camo, not the appropriate urban patterns, so are…

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