Monthly Archives : May 2017

Getting into #armystyle – part 3

So, here we are back again for part 3 of my #armystyle guide. If you missed the first instalment of this gripping series, you can find it here, this part covered a little background and gave you the simple rule of keeping the obviously army items to a single piece. Part two is here, and this part looks at what is obviously…

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Someone asked: That poor John Elliott shirt, how did that go?

Someone dropped me a note the other day asking whatever happened with the ill-fated John Elliott shirt I bought in Edinburgh last year. It’s nice to be reminded, and it’s a clear hint that updating the original post about developments in such a thrilling story doesn’t reach out all that may be interested. So, while you could easily go back and…

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Ventile, the ugly facts they don’t tell you

Four years ago I posted a pretty critical piece about a fabric that at the time was on the brink of enjoying something of a comeback. The main point of the article was that the historical facts that were being bandied about might not actually be as historical as they were made out to be. There was much talk of…

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The return of the Instagram roundup

It must be months if not a year now since I last posted a roundup of my finest Instagram moments. Granted, it may be more, or less, or something in between, but let’s not split hairs and graces, so to speak. Too much coffee? Hardly. Instagram does remain a nice way to post something I feel should be shared, when…

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Another visit to Ye Olde Londinium – day two

Did you miss day one? It’s right here. Day two saw us lace up and set off again. After the miserable dinner at the hotel the evening before, it was easy to skip the £27.50 breakfast they served there. Almost 30 quid for breakfast? This just goes to show that when booking a hotel in London, make sure breakfast is…

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Getting into #armystyle – part 2

If you missed the first instalment of this gripping series on #armystyle, you can find it here. This is part 2 and whereas the first part covered a little background and gave you the simple rule of keeping the obviously army items to a single piece, this part will look at what is obviously army and how we can work…

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In defence of old goats, and a new Kickstarter initiative

You’ve probably not heard mention of the plight of the goat before. That’s ok, most people haven’t. We tend to see a goat and think “what a cute, wee fellah!” and leave it at that. I’m not going to claim any massive knowledge about goat history, goat symbolism or anything else goat related, apart from one single point: Goats get…

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My best travel tip, and it’s almost free

“My best travel tip, and it’s almost free”, a title straight off the viral clickbait pages, eh? It actually is though and it’s something I’ve been meaning to mention for ages, if only because it’s a damn good tip and I’ve never seen anyone else mention it. Ever. And for that reason it deserves to go viral and bring me…

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Another visit to Ye Olde Londinium – day one

London is a city I love to visit. So much so that I often wonder what it would be like to live there. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the brilliant Underground, the sights, the exhibitions, the happenings and goings on. It all combines to make a place that feels so vital and alive. The daydream is marred just a little…

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Looking for a shoe cult? Try Marcus de

Marcus de fits nicely into a recurring theme of late: A very small company wanting to realise a very clear idea. In the case of Marcus De, the owner Miguel, comes from a family that made shoes. Miguel himself, London born and bred, is a cordwainer by trade, as was his father and grandfather. It wasn’t his first port of…

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