My guest today represents tradition, resilience and doing what you do well. Hillary Bacon is the marketing director of Cordings of Piccadilly, a clothing establishment that has been basically unchanged since 1839, although the world around has changed fundamentally. We talk about how Cordings started and those important first products, how society has evolved, appreciating that some things don’t have to change, being able to replace your old with the same new, how Eric Clapton saw the window display and bought half the shop and keeping traditions alive.
You can find Cordings of Piccadilly on the web here, and on Instagram as @cordingsofpiccadilly
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Nick Johannessen is the host of Garmology, the editor of the WellDressedDad blog and WellDressedDad on Instagram. You can email Nick as Garmology (at)
Excellent show. May you tell me the name of the fine coat that was mentioned on the show? I believe it was from a German manufacture. I live in Chicago in the United States and I’m interested in it. Thank you
Hi Hector, if my memory serves, I think it was the “Nevis” coat we talked about. You can find more details here:
Thank you!