Garmology: Bleak with a sprinkle of joy – With Sofi Thanhauser, author of “Worn” (S05 E04 #103)

This week my guest is Sofi Thanhauser, professor and author of the book “Worn – A people’s history of clothing”. We get into the history of the various fibres, the implications on society and the development of clothing technology through the ages. The evolution of our clothing has been a very mixed joy, depending on your position, so expect som insight you might not be aware of. Oh, and we hear about the Dumptique and thrifting Norwegian sweaters in Budapest?

You can find Sofi’s website and info about “Worn” on the web here.

Garmology is researched, booked, hosted, edited, published, paid for and everything else by Nick Johannessen. There is no advertising or sponsorship, but you are welcome to support the podcast at

Nick Johannessen is also the editor of the WellDressedDad blog and WellDressedDad on Instagram. You can email Nick as Garmology (at)

Garmology theme music by Fabian Stordalen.

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