Editorial: New Year, and the way forward

Well, the Yuletide celebrations are winding down here at the mansion and with the fireworks of the start of another New Year still shimmering on my retinas. A time for pondering over a mug of tea, the good and bad of the year that passed, and what possibilities the shiny new one holds.



I tend not to make any New Years resolutions. Why only break your resolutions in January? Keep coming up with great ideas all year and you can make or break your wonderful intentions all year round. Then again, why is breaking your resolutions a bad thing? Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and if every venture has to be almost certain of success, you’ll rarely try anything new.



Enough of the motivational speech though. You come here to read about menswear, and that is what I’ll do. After another year of increasing readership on the blog and steadily rising numbers of followers on Instagram, I am inspired to keep going. This year WDW gave me a new camera for Xmas, so the quality of the photos should improve, and I will be doing more videos. I’d love to hear your input as well, so do get in touch if you have thoughts to share, or just have a question.



There is always a backlog of pieces to be reviewed here, and I have some great stuff coming up over the next weeks. If you follow my Instagram you get the first hints of what will be coming up, as it takes me a lot less time to prepare a post on Instagram than doing a full blog post. Plus, like you I tend to get a little excited about the prospect of showing something new.



And that something new is part of it all, right? Which is an important psychological point to keep in mind. Chasing something new is well and good, that shows enthusiasm and vigour (unless you’re married and the “something new” wears a short skirt, naturally). At the same time though it is worth keeping in mind that the principle of “one in, one out” makes sense, or even going minimal like Project 333.

I buy less stuff now, and sell more, so the collection is gradually getting smaller, but also better. I keep what I like most and see myself wearing most. The rest goes up on my For Sale page and finds a new home. And with the proceeds I can buy something else.



Oh, you wanted to know my resolutions? To grow a full beard, roast my own coffee beans and weave my own tweed. Hang on, those were last years, and I must have failed on all. This year I will stop eating sugar, run more, sew more, start writing my novel, grow the blog, be more considerate and present, wear a watch and maintain a cheery outlook on life. You’re probably already seeing some failure ahead, right? Such is life though, keep looking up and ahead.

And buy something off my For Sale page, I have something new in my sights 🙂


1 Comment

  • WDW 03/01/2016 at 11:11

    I will eat more fat, watch you run, stretch my back and walk the dog a bit more often


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