Tag Archives : Facebook

More ways to follow WellDressedDad – The social medias

I’m occasionally asked if there are more ways to engage with Well Dressed Dad, so I thought I’d post a quick guide of available social media to help you ponder which options best suit your lifestyle choices. Do you like instant gratification, the weekly update, more photos and witty captions, or be reminded of that which you have forgooten? Bookmark for future…

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Tube strikes, sullen supermodels and more awesome summer looks!

I find myself on an overcast Thursday morning on the outskirts of London. The sky is grey, looks like it could easily dissolve into rain, and I could easily find myself complaining about the quite disappointing weather this sumer. It’s enough to put you into a right blue funk, eh? Or, pop on a parka and enjoy the opportunity to get…

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The opportunities of Autumn, a pictorial

Oh yes, Autumn is definitely here now. After a month of teasing the weather has finally started it’s journey towards winter. It’s as if the trees all suddenly got the memo about yellow and brown being the new green and have all decided to get with the programme. Plus a drop in temperature and plenty of rain to go with…

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Another week on Instagram

As another week comes to close, it’s time for the weekly roundup of the photographic art, or shameless self-promotion if you like, I’ve published on Instagram since last Friday. Sorry that the book “Denim Style” features on 3 of the entries, it really is pretty awful (read my review here). Livid Jeans also featured well, their review is here. I’m quite humbled by the fact…

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Blog anniversary giveaway prize details!

Details, details are important, and I meant to post more details of the anniversary giveaway yesterday. Sorry about my tardiness! Here is the update: To celebrate the one year anniversary of Well Dressed Dad, I have been fortunate enough to enlist the support of some of the friends I have made through a year of blogging. Each has donated something…

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How to survive as a traditional local clothes shop

Todays’ local newspaper carried the sob stories of a handful of local shops that have folded due to the unfair competition from online shops, with bitter complaints about how the local brick and mortar shops are used to view and fondle items before ordering online. The underlying tone is that this is really awfully unfair and that we consumers need…

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A little media attention comes my way…

Yesterday was a slightly strange day. After a few weeks of waiting, my first interview as Well Dressed Dad was due for publication. Not having seen a preview of the feature it was with some trepidation I stopped by the kiosk at the train station before catching the train to work to buy a copy of Finansavisen, making sure the…

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Social media… I’m covered.

These days (and even starting with those words make me feel like an old man) it’s all about the social media, and all the various platforms that are more or less popular at the moment. It’s not enough to just write blog posts, they have to be announced on Facebook and Twitter as well. Plus Twitter is there to handle…

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