More ways to follow WellDressedDad – The social medias

I’m occasionally asked if there are more ways to engage with Well Dressed Dad, so I thought I’d post a quick guide of available social media to help you ponder which options best suit your lifestyle choices. Do you like instant gratification, the weekly update, more photos and witty captions, or be reminded of that which you have forgooten? Bookmark for future reference!

1. Follow “WellDressedDad” on Instagram

I post on average 2 photos a day on Instagram, with relevant (witty or insightful) captions and an open comment field, plus some video clips and various material on Instagram stories. In addition, I have started posting longer videos using the Instagram-TV feature. Instagram is best enjoyed using the app, but can also be seen using a web-browser by clicking here. I very much appreciate you following and engaging with me.

2. Receive the weekly newsletter through Scoop

A newsletter is a brand new feature from WellDressedDad. Every Friday an email is sent out containing 5 links to things you might find interesting. New products, weird stories, a good long read, and a link or two to classic articles from the WDD archive. Low-key, short and fun. Just like me. Sign up by clicking here.

3. Follow me on the Youtube

Yes, there is a WDD channel on the YouTube! You can find it by clicking here. Please subscribe and make my day.

3. Follow “Well Dressed Dad” on Facebook

WDD has a page on Facebook where you can receive notification of new blog posts, new videos and send messages to me. Search for “Well Dressed Dad” and click like.

4. Follow “WellDressedDad” on Twitter

WDD also has a Twitter feed. Primarily for announcing new posts and reminding of classics you might enjoy. My Twitter name is WellDressedDadfa.

5. Receive email notifications from

Visit the front page of the website and you’ll see the option of following in the top right-hand corner. This ensures you will be informed of important blog posts the moment they are available. Gratification as instant as modern electronic communications can provide.

So, there you go. Pretty much an option for everyone. I could phone you with my news and opinions, but only my mother gets that level of service.

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