Tag Archives : blog

The top-15 all-time most read articles (and least read)

It’s getting on for 7 years, but in that time I’ve published close to 600 articles here on the blog. Some get a lot of reads, others not so many. As a service to my regular followers that may be stuck for something to while away the Summer days, I’ve assembled two lists of suggested reading material. One covers the…

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Blog 3 year anniversary: Quiz draw and results!

There. Quiz closed. Official results to be announced! Firstly though, I’m super chuffed by the sporting spirit shown and the number of entrants that joined in to be tested on their knowledge of WDD lore. 68 of you persevered and answered all 14 arduous questions. A large number of you even got them all correct! The prices to be drawn…

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Coming up to the three year milestone…

Coming up to the three year anniversary for the blog, I find myself pondering the direction forward. One option would be to call it a day, though I feel that would be a shame, given how many good folks read it, and how much I enjoy writing it. Another option would is to evolve. Reading an article about blog trends…

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How to search for a style blog

With the one year anniversary for my humble blog coming up soon, I’ll be doing the odd post summarising my experience of being a middle-aged menswear blogger. First of all I’d like to do a short post on how people actually find my blog, specifically what search terms they enter into the search engine which results in them finding their…

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Book tips: Fuck yeah menswear

I picked up this when I was in Urban Outfitters recently. I normally stop by their book section for a browse, as their eclectic selection always has something or other that catches my eye. This time, I was in a menswear frame of mind, and hence the provocatively titled “Fuck Yeah Menswear” stood out. A quick browse, and yes indeed,…

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