Browsing Category : News

In case you missed them, the best of 2015 #1: Guides

Last year I posed a couple of posts summarising all the best pieces I wrote in 2014. Since this was a resounding success and a public service in the true spirit of altruism, surprise surprise, I’m at it again this year! It can be an arduous task reading back through almost 400 posts, so here is an easy to use…

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Editorial: New Year, and the way forward

Well, the Yuletide celebrations are winding down here at the mansion and with the fireworks of the start of another New Year still shimmering on my retinas. A time for pondering over a mug of tea, the good and bad of the year that passed, and what possibilities the shiny new one holds.   View this post on Instagram A…

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Editorial: Into the woods we go, wearing coats

Yes, I seem to be spending a lot of time in the woods of late. It’s a great place to be this time of year, even though it’s a bit nippy and most of the trees are stripped for winter. Suddenly you can see what’s around you, instead of being in a sea of green.   View this post on…

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Editorial: Fine reading, lookey looks and and torrid tweed – The week that was

Autumn, a time for deep contemplation, catching up on reading and taking photos of colourful, fallen leaves, naked trees and certain men showing their daily outfits? Yes, those Instagram photos keep appearing on a regular basis. If you don’t follow me, I’ve included them below for your viewing convenience. Speaking of reading, I’ve noticed the stack menswear-related titles has been…

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Editorial: Autumn and armpits, an odorous life

It’s Friday, it’s the end of October, and even the most ardent fans of Summer will no doubt be aware that Autumn is in full effect. This is my favourite time of year for talking a walk in the woods. Not just the colours, but the sounds, the smells and the views. Good stuff. And it offers up some great…

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Shopping: Things that are catching my eye this Autumn…

Today I have taken a look around at what is available online and have picked out a few bits and pieces that have caught my eye. Something I may buy, a couple of items I already have, and more bits that I’ll just have to yearn for. SEH Kelly: Balmacaan in tobacco-brown Donegal tweed Described as a walking coat. This…

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Editorial: Tweed jackets, snake serum and pit fumes

Another week into Autumn and I find the mornings are so quickly getting cold that I’ve already had to bring out the serious jackets. If the decline in temperature continues at this rate I’ll be all wooled up in the mountain parka by November and the expedition-grade down jacket by Xmas. A scary thought. Not only because it will be…

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Travels, findings and musings – editorial

As promised last week, I’m making an effort to get back on track with my pictorial posts. This is where I collate my favourite Instagram posts from recent times into an easy to ingest digest, and preface it with some editorial content. As a winning formula it’s not the worst I’ve come across. Right now I’m off to Copenhagen for…

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Dad does Instagram, and keeps at it.

Finally life is calming down a little. This summer has been busier than most, with 3 trips to England, one to India and getting married. Those that follow me on Instagram have been joyfully able to track my movements and experiences every step of the way. For those of you that prefer to wait for my infrequent pictorial updates, here…

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