Author Archives : nick

Trouser Tuesday: Rapha, proper trousers for cyclists

Regular readers will not have missed my tear-jerking piece about cycling-induced holes in my tweed trousers recently, and ensuing discussion about: a) how silly I am to be cycling in tweed trousers and b) how I should abandon my fetish for tweed and consider more appropriate cycle-wear, such as c) a pair of Rapha cycling jeans. So, never one to…

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All the stuff you missed: The best of 2014!

Sitting here at the start of a new year, it appears the world at large is more interested in looking back at 2014 than forward to what the new year will bring. So, not wishing to disappoint my dear readers, I will of course also offer an opportunity to revisit some of my more lavishly interesting posts from the past…

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Consumer Advocate: How long should a pair of Dr Martens last?

Given my recent activism around the probably bicycle related wear on a pair of my tweed trousers, it may be a little early to go on another disappointed consumer rant. Or is it? Heck, we pay good money for our nice clothes and shoes, so isn’t it reasonable to find they live up to expectations, or even exceed them? Should we…

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The week before Xmas in photos

I skipped my little journal last Friday due to the need to focus on other matters. I was gratified to be reminded by a number of people about this omission though, so this week it’s back in an extended and edited format. Of course, if you already follow my Instagram feed, it’ll be old news, but here you get all…

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Realm and Empire: Informed by uniforms

It’s a known fact that much of the menswear styling we see today is based on styles originally developed for military applications. It might initially seem quite odd that the military should have an influence on civilian menswear, until you consider that while a uniform is to a large extent about function, it also has an element of looks about it. The function part is easy enough…

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Introducing Indigo Village and their incredible scarves

One of the most rewarding things to come from taking up blogging has been the number of people I have come in contact with, people I’d otherwise never have become friends with, or even met at all. One of my early contacts was Jon, an Englishman living in Thailand. We’d have ongoing discussions about important matters such as rare and…

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A glimpse into the past

Whilst on one of my recent prowls of the local thrift shops I came across a find that really set my interest in motion. In amongst the usual fayre of high street rubbish and outmoded suits there was a rather unassuming cotton shirt. Natural coloured, not even the usual bleached white. I almost went past it, but something called to…

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The weekly journal of photos and fabric education

Another week comes to an end, Xmas looming large in the horizon. Tomorrow I will post my Xmas guide to what you might like to buy yourself for Xmas. An excuse for me to go window-shopping around the world. Last weekend I posted a fairly brief summary of our UK tour this summer. It’s difficult to keep pieces like that…

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Bored of London? There’s much more to England! (part two)

The first part of my grand holiday recollections left us at a grand old Bed & Breakfast in the quite insignificant village of Pickmere (it has a village pond), near Knutsford in Cheshire, just south of Manchester. Nearby Knutsford is a historic old village, very much trading on it’s viking links from way back, and named after the viking king Knut.…

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Bored of London? There’s much more to England! (part one)

I love London. And every time I see the logo above, this song starts looping in my mind. It never fails. The people, the history, the culture, and the Underground. I adore the Underground, and just looking at the map and reading the names of the stations can make me all misty-eyed. The big old city with so much content…

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