Tag Archives : Social media

Garmology: Podcast therapy – with my sister Emma (S02/E06)

A slight diversion guest-wise today, as it’s my sister Emma, a psychologist, that picks up the phone for a fly on the wall style chat about topics within the Garmology sphere. We talk about the psychology of social media, why retail therapy has become a thing, peak hipster, why women get poorer clothes, the issues and pitfalls of ordering online,…

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More ways to follow WellDressedDad – The social medias

I’m occasionally asked if there are more ways to engage with Well Dressed Dad, so I thought I’d post a quick guide of available social media to help you ponder which options best suit your lifestyle choices. Do you like instant gratification, the weekly update, more photos and witty captions, or be reminded of that which you have forgooten? Bookmark for future…

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A collection of Instagrammar

And before I know what has happened, it’s Friday again and time for the weekly collection of what I posted to my Instagram over the past week. To add some flavour this weeks adventures include cows, hedgehogs and ecologically grown vegetables. Just when you thought there couldn’t be more snaps of buttons, boots and fabrics, I up my game with more fun…

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How to survive as a traditional local clothes shop

Todays’ local newspaper carried the sob stories of a handful of local shops that have folded due to the unfair competition from online shops, with bitter complaints about how the local brick and mortar shops are used to view and fondle items before ordering online. The underlying tone is that this is really awfully unfair and that we consumers need…

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Shopping: Are you being served?

For most of my life, entering a clothes shop, all on my lonesome, has been a pretty traumatic affair and something best avoided. I’m well aware that many guys have an aversion to clothes shops, for a variety of reasons, others proclaiming shopping as too tedious (yet they will happily spend all day shopping for fishing gear or model trains).…

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Social media… I’m covered.

These days (and even starting with those words make me feel like an old man) it’s all about the social media, and all the various platforms that are more or less popular at the moment. It’s not enough to just write blog posts, they have to be announced on Facebook and Twitter as well. Plus Twitter is there to handle…

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