Review: The Crowder ATP watch, for a life less hectic

The smartphone has to be the curse of modern times. One dip in to your pocket and you know if anyone has phoned you, texted you, mentioned you, poked you, prodded you or in any other way attempted to annoy you. Also if anything has happened in the world, your car is unlocked or whether the book you reserved at the library is awaiting pickup. Or what time it is, which is what you probably wanted to know in the first place.

A suitably relevant photo I found on Google images.

A suitably relevant photo I found on Google images.

Hark on back to the olden days, when summers were sunny, noses were runny, you wore your chronograph on your wrist and social media consisted of small ads in the local rag. This is what James, the found of Crowder GB, did when he inherited his Grandfathers WW2 army-issue watch. Worn and scratched, it reflected on the use it had been put through, turning it from one of very many identical watches into one that was uniquely his.


Being a second generation jeweller and watchmaker James saw the potential in the design and materials used on the vintage watch and set about creating a modernised version of the style. He has retained the brass casing and the vintage look, but replaced the vintage clockwork with a modern Swiss movement and ended up with the Crowder ATP (for Army Timepiece).


I first noticed the Crowder ATP on Instagram and was instantly drawn to the retro styling. So much so that I had to order one. I’ll confess, it’s been years since I last wore a watch, and recent ventures into smartwatches haven’t made me remember to strap one on in the morning. The ATP though, it’s functional jewellery indeed.


I did run into one problem though. Upon arrival I carefully unwrapped the package, appreciating the care that had gone into the specially made tin box, and the guarantee card based on wartime ration cards. And then the watch was revealed. I barely caught sight of it and it was whisked away, accompanied by a single word: “Mine!”. Whereupon WDW retreated to her corner whispering “my preciousss”.

I think this indicates that the design works for both guys and gals.



And that was almost the last I have seen of it. I was allowed a single loan to take a photo to put on my Instagram, but since then it’s been married to another wrist than mine. And I’m back to dipping into my pocket for the phone every time I’m wondering if it’s dinnertime yet.


There is truly a lot to like about this watch: It looks great, it works well, it will age nicely. It will run accurately and the luminous dial lets you check the time in the dark. It comes in a  great package and is really very reasonably priced.

The size is probably part of the reason it works for both gents and ladies. It’s 35mm diameter is a traditional gentlemans size, a bit smaller than the oversize watches that have been popular in recent times.



When selecting your favourite though, go for the dial that you like best. The straps are a standard 18mm fitting and are easily swapped (in fact, James, you ought to include a suitably Battle of Britain coloured one as a spare, for holidays and such, just a suggestion!).

At 149 pounds it’s quite reasonably priced, and even more so if you use the code WELLDRESSEDDAD20 to get 20% off! More info to be found at Crowder GB.

Now if only I was allowed to wear mine, I could leave the infernal smartphone in my pocket…


Photo 17.12.15, 10.35.26


  • Looks marvellous
  • Quality brass casing
  • Reasonably priced


  • My wife has taken mine



1 Comment

  • WDW 17/12/2015 at 10:55



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