The week that was, in photos

This week saw me round up the Great Shaving Cream Investigation. Finally! The winner(s) have been announced, the results presented in tabular form, and wise observations uttered regarding the deeper meaning of it all.

This week also saw the arrival of a singular waistcoat all the way from Japan. Opinion on this one is divided, with WDG on one side saying it looks like a pile of rags, and sighted waistcoat aficionados elsewhere applauding the cheeky combination of tweed patchwork and the Japanese craft styles of boro and sashiko, as in the art of mending. It will be reviewed sometime soon, on a Wednesday.

I was very pleased to find my blog-stats showed another record month. It is both humbling and pleasing to find that so many people are interested in what I’m writing about, and people all over the world at that. Thank you, readers and followers!

Oh, and if you were stuck for ideas for my Birthday in 4 weeks time, I posted a photo of the Pitlochry from Cheaneys. UK8 is my size. I’ll appreciate your kind gift quite profusely.



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