Monthly Archives : April 2013

News: SEH Kelly reveals a limited number for knobbly knees

What with summer seemingly delayed ad infinitum this year, I’m sure the seasons short trousers haven’t been what most of us have been spending much time mulling over. Naturally enough really, as with the current ongoing chill our built-in survival instinct has most of us hitting Google to see what wooly goodness the next Autumn/Winter collection bring us! While we’ve…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Nigel Cabourn, not for the shy

Quite a special waistcoat this week. One I’ve had for a while, but not really been confident to wear until now. Bought it a size too small by mistake, and only thanks to losing weight I can now get properly into it. A very distinctive waistcoat, courtesy of Nigel Cabourn. Three different colours, in quality Madras checked linen, again based…

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Tips: Thoughts about shirts

I thought I’d write a little about shirts today. Then it struck me, I don’t really have much actual knowledge about shirts. I don’t know all the technical words a tailor or stylist would use, or have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the minutiae of The Shirt. I do know mostly what I like and how I use shirts though, so…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Spellbound, hobbit-style from Japan

In response to the clamouring from waistcoat aficionados worldwide, I’m back with another instalment of my popular mid-week special, Waistcoat Wednesday. Now I know for a fact that at least one reader has taken up what could become a huge thing, wearing a waistcoat on Wednesday, and I urge others to join in, and please send a photo so I…

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Book tip: Bespoke, by Richard Anderson

On a recent trip to London I made a point of seeking out the famous Savile Row. I’d watched the 3-part docu-series the BBC had made about Savile Row focusing on it’s changing fortunes and I was really curious about what the street was really like. I did a post on this visit a while back, it can be found…

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Icons: The brogue – from marshwork to gentlemans footwear

Brogues are seemingly everywhere these days. While long being the quintessential shoe for the proper tweedy gentleman, available through shoemakers and expensive outfitters, nowadays you’re as likely to find them in the lower end high street shoe shops, vying with trainers and dessert boots for the attention of a man with an aspiring taste on a more limited budget. So…

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Backpacks for the stylish man – Summary

Please note, this post is getting old, you may want to check out these instead: New for Winter 2015: Another 15 backpacks for the stylish man! Click on Part 1 and Part 2! New for Autumn 2014: Even more stylish new backpacks! Click here for the latest post! Note: I’ve since done another post with a stylish selection. You will want…

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Book tips: Fuck yeah menswear

I picked up this when I was in Urban Outfitters recently. I normally stop by their book section for a browse, as their eclectic selection always has something or other that catches my eye. This time, I was in a menswear frame of mind, and hence the provocatively titled “Fuck Yeah Menswear” stood out. A quick browse, and yes indeed,…

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