Shop visit: Labour & Wait – stopped in time

On a recent visit to London, when I was visiting SEH Kelly, I got talking to some of the other visitors they had the morning I was there. A couple of these were the guys that have the shop almost right round the corner, Labour & Wait. Now, I’d heard about this shop before, as it was mentioned in an article about the brand Old Town in a Norwegian magazine a while back, and that reminded me that they also stock a limited range of Old Town items. The lads were also talking about their fantastic Irish Cottage socks, so a visit was in order.


Labour & Wait is an odd shop (have a look at their website). All sorts of odd things for house, kitchen and otherwise, situated in a fantastic looking corner building. Quite an old-timey feel to the place, though they insist they’re not trying to recreate any specific period. Quite a hip and trendy place, in the Shoreditch manner, I guess, for things you probably didn’t realise you wanted until you found it there. Or stuff your mother or significant other wants (I had to go back the next day to get a butter dish for my SO). I did get a couple of pairs of cottage socks, which appear to be strong, warm and good value (whereas SEHK’s new socks are better than what your granny would knit, the cottage socks are almost exactly what a granny with good eyesight and sprightly hands would knit).

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And I did browse the selection of Old Town items, basically one variant each of trouser and jacket, aprons and a womans wrap-around dress. All in stout work wear like cotton. I couldn’t resist buying a pair of khaki Vauxhall trousers. Well made, in stout material, buttons ready for braces, high rise, true to size. Proper stuff.


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Well worth a visit if you’re in the area, and plenty for ‘er ‘indoors to enjoy as well. And if you’re thirsty afterwards, theres a Brew Dog pub just across the road!

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