Spring is the thing – Pictotorial

By the end of last week I was quite worn out by trying to post the anniversary post as number 300. So much so that I neglected to post my weekly Friday editorial. The one where I get to rerun the best Instagram photos of the week, hint at future posts, and generally get to mention stuff that is on my mind. So this week there are even more artfully put together outtakes from my life than usual. A little like getting a huge Birthday cake and then finding no one want’s to share it with you. Immense!



I did manage to reach my goal though, so I was rather pleased with myself. It was great to see how many people to the time to congratulate me on my efforts, and the small competition resulted in a WDD indigo-scarf now being on it’s way to a reader in Denmark.

If you’re wondering about the status of the upcoming collaborations I have less news than I’d like. Progress is slow, either due to me being busy and lazy, or my counterparts being too busy. There is a second footwear design on the horizon though and it’s a good one. More to follow as and when I know more.



I did finally get round to waxing the field jacket, you know, the one that went on holiday to Thailand? Turned out pretty nice, and the sun certainly brings out the great indigo shades in it.

I’ve started a new round of Trouser Tuesday reviews, this time featuring jeans and similar. The first post covered some great indigo-dyed hemp jeans from Hansen Garments. Indigo, schmindigo, mandingo, whatever, you may be thinking, it is a little surprising how this fermented plant dye has impacted things around there at the moment. Next Tuesday will see me review a pair of Steel Feather jeans, as in “the other Norwegian denim company”. Should be interesting!



At the moment the weather here has turned to Spring, so all the clothes and shoes I archived quite recently are now coming out again. What happened to the season for wearing thick jackets and big boots?

And I keep adding (and removing!) stuff on my For Sale page. It’s great to have a good spring tidy and excellent fun shipping pieces off to all corners of the world!



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