Tag Archives : SEH Kelly

Trouser Tuesday: Something a bit different from SEH Kelly

Welcome to part three of the 4-part mini-series presenting different takes on tweed trousers. So far we’ve had a look at a good pair from Toast, a reasonably priced pair from H&M, and today we will investigate an unusual pair from SEH Kelly. Unusual in which way, you may be thinking, we are talking two-legged trousers and how unusual can…

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This years gloves, by SEH Kelly

I have a small habit to confess to. It’s not a bad habit, per se, but a consistent one. You see, every Autumn when it starts getting cold in the morning, I fancy a new pair of gloves. And a decent pair at that. Genuinely good gloves tend to last more than a single season, if taken care of, so…

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Giveaway winners!

Here we go, merry folks, time to announce the lucky winners in my anniversary giveaway! After collating the entries from Instagram, Twitter and blog followers, I have utilised a random number generator to select the winners fair and square. The winners will be contacted directly. Urban Upcycle is giving away a beautiful tweed smartphone cover to one lucky reader. Will…

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Blog anniversary giveaway prize details!

Details, details are important, and I meant to post more details of the anniversary giveaway yesterday. Sorry about my tardiness! Here is the update: To celebrate the one year anniversary of Well Dressed Dad, I have been fortunate enough to enlist the support of some of the friends I have made through a year of blogging. Each has donated something…

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Anniversary giveaway coming up!

The coming Tuesday, the 25th of February, marks the one year anniversary of the Well Dressed Dad blog. To celebrate it I will be hosting a giveaway, sponsored by some of the good companies I have made friends with during the year. To make things easy, I will be doing this on Instagram, and the 6 lucky winners will be…

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In case you were wondering…

Dear Reader, in case you were flailing in thought, ponderously wondering, instigating investigations, all in search of the perfect present to your favourite mediocre menswear blogger, despair no more, here I will reveal what my heart is set on this Xmas… Given that my semi-popular and fairly regular feature Waistcoat Wednesday has been on a forced hiatus (due to running…

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Brands: It’s all in the story…

In another post where I talk smack about stuff I really shouldn’t talk about, given that I’m a civil engineer not a marketing guru, I give you: What makes a brand? A name, a designer, a style, something ethereal and mystic, history, or something else entirely? To me, names come and go, designers are rarely given celebrity status, styles come…

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News: SEH Kelly release Tour jacket Mk3, viva le evolution!

I make no secret of being a fan of the understated elegance and innovation of tiny London menswear innovator SEH Kelly. In fact, one of my most read posts concerns the pilgrimage I made to their tiny workshop during the Spring of 2013. At the time I was the proud owner of a Mk2 Tour jacket, resplendent in mohair and…

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Style: The grey market, and why the marketers get it wrong

Since becoming more interested in clothes over the past few years, I find I’ve also taken more interest in how they are presented to me in the marketplace. We’re talking marketing, advertising, the dangling of the lure that will make me want to part with my hard-earned cash in exchange for whatever is being promoted. And I’m becoming increasingly aware…

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