Rain and shine, this weeks sunny pictotorial

This has truly been a week of ups and downs! It started well with my new specs arriving last Friday. The feedback on these has been pleasing, though this isn’t the only notable and interesting point about them. Yes, they fit fine and it’s wonderful to have fresh and unscratched lenses, but they are also the result of doing some research on how the optical industry really works today. There will be a write-up about this soon!



On Saturday I scored another pair of fine secondhand shoes, remarkably these were also in my size (UK8/Euro 42, in case you wondered) and given that they were only 12 pounds and proper Barker shoes already fitted with a Dainite sole (which saves me changing soles), there was no reason to hesitate. Since then I’ve given them a bit of a clean-up and polish and they look nice.

I was not alone in noticing that they look very like the Paraboot “Avignon” model, and after contacting customer service at Barker it was divulged that these are in fact a model named “Paris” and haven’t been made in over 20 years. Thanks to Lauren for going the extra mile to find this info, and the pattern cutter who remembered them. Perhaps a homage, or rip-off, of the “Avignon”, or was the “Paris” name entirely coincidental?



While the sun was shining I also managed to get some photos of the new super-indigo “Roughage” scarves and the indigo-dyed deadstock cotton shirts. Available on the For Sale page now, with measurements. Feedback so far is overwhelming!



So much for the highs though, the low struck me late Sunday night when I found myself with an extremely painful stomach ache. After spending the night curled up unable to sleep, WDG took me to the emergency room early Monday morning. Strong painkillers allowed me to relax and the diagnosis was gallbladder problems. So, hopefully an operation to have that removed in around 8 weeks. My life isn’t all fancy shoes, heavyweight denim and lustrous tweed!



Oh, and “Denim Dudes” was reviewed this week. You’ll be wondering if it was better than the lamentable “Denim Style“, right?

Finally, if you have kids, and the occasional shaving mishap, don’t miss yesterdays helpful piece on how to deal with shaving nicks in a modern and adult way. Oh, and you surely didn’t miss the one highlighting the taboo of nasal hair, and a way of dealing with it?

In 2 weeks time the blog will have it’s 2 year anniversary. I’m aiming for this to coincide with post number 300.








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