Tag Archives : Sweden

An unfashionable Kickstarter from Sweden

We’re pretty much all in agreement that fast fashion has to be taken out and put in the trashcan. The one for recycling, naturally. We all know that the current pattern of consumption is ludicrous and damaging to the environment and not sustainable at all, on any level. Producing clothes that are so cheap that you don’t even care if…

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The Garmsman Dozen #5: Daniel from Sweden

Welcome to the fifth instalment of the “Garmsman Dozen” question and answer session. The response so far has been tremendous. Did you miss earlier ones? There are links at the end of the page. This week we welcome to the Garmsman Dozen Daniel from Sweden! Who are you, where do you live and what interests you? Hi! I’m Daniel, otherwise not…

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More army aceness: Swedish wool jacket from 1956

I’m not quite sure why, but lately I appear to have been veering off the straight and narrow menswear track and more into the undergrowth of vintage and army gear. Thinking back it might have been finding the vintage Harris tweed jacket in Liverpool (the one that became the acclaimed first tweed project), or maybe it was falling for the…

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A weekend in Gothenburg

While I am quite happy to enjoy a weekend at home in the mansion, with a fire roaring in the fireplace, a mug of tea at hand and good book, I also like travelling and visiting new places. And by visit I mean “go somewhere for a walkabout”. Last weekend saw me getting restless and once it was determined that…

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Yes, another editorial and Instagram update!

Getting back into the normal flow of things after a slow period over Xmas. Trouser Tuesdays are back on track with part 1 of a 4-part series of tweed trouser reviews. The idea is to present a mid-range pair, as in this weeks pair of Harris Tweed trousers from Toast, then a more reasonably priced pair, a splendidly exotic pair…

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My life pictorially, more Instagrammar

Another Friday collation of what has passed by way of posts to Instagram. Small outtakes and staged settings to illustrate my existence. Sounds a little more conceptual and serious than it really is though. I just enjoy sharing small collages, and appreciate that people respond to them. Are we not all really hoping to be noticed in some way or…

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Trouser Tuesday: Black Iron Knuckleheads, denim in short supply

There are a huge amount of denim brands available today. I wouldn’t even want to try to start counting them. Maybe half a dozen huge brands, several dozen big brands, and the number of brands seems to grow exponentially the smaller they get. Black Iron Clothing are one of the smallest I’ve come across, being essentially a 2 person venture.…

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Even more backpacks for the stylish man!

It appears I have become something of the go-to site when it comes to backpacks for the stylish man. This is of course a huge honour for me! My campaign against the utterly horrible and style-less black nylon backpack has not gone unnoticed, and there may yet be some hope for this very overlooked aspect of our daily attire. Let…

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A label to watch: Hansen Garments

My interest in clothes has evolved over time. From finding items I kind of liked in highstreet shops, to actively seeking out the really special items. A lot of my old favorites have been moved progressively further into the darker realms of my closets, as they have been replaced by truly great items. I’m not saying the things I like…

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