Heritage wear for oldish dudes – With Albert Imperato aka UpstateGuyStyle (S00/E33)

In this episode, my guest is Albert, NY residing classical music promotor and man of fine culture. At the weekends he heads to his secret upstate lair where he dons his heritage wear and becomes UpstateGuyStyle, another of the rare old dudes with a penchant for denim, boots and clothes with a story. Add into the mix that Albert also hosts his own podcast, Vir Vulnerabilis Vir, and the stage is set for a good hour of oldish dudes talking about their pants, or trousers, as the case may be. And more.

And remember, while you can listen to the episode right here on the webpage (all episodes on the Garmology page), for the best experience, the podcast is also available on all the usual podcast sites, like Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts etc., just search for Garmology. This is very handy for listening via your phone while walking the dog, driving, cooking, or whatever activity you do where you want to listen to people talk about stuff.

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