Garmology S00 E30: Cold weather vintage – With Nick & Dachi

This weeks episode sees Garmology regular Dachi back to discuss vintage opportunities for the coming cold and wet season. Topics covered include vintage sizing, cashmere loungewear, old quality brands, vintage weight Harris tweed, rainwear perverts, making for profit or quality, how flimsy modern workwear is and how hard-earned heritage is being sacrificed for quick cash, the difference between hoarding duplicates and being a serious collector, cleaning and repairing wool garments and is there more vintage clothing available for women than for men? And that’s only the first 20 minutes!

And remember, while you can listen to the episode right here on the webpage (all episodes on the Garmology page), for the best experience, the podcast is also available on all the usual podcast sites, like Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts etc., just search for Garmology. This is very handy for listening via your phone while walking the dog, driving, cooking, or whatever activity you do where you want to listen to people talk about stuff.

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  • Niall 08/11/2020 at 18:49

    Any thoughts of providing transcriptions? I used to enjoy reading your blog posts.

    • nick 08/11/2020 at 18:53

      Crikey, that would be heaps of extra work! I’ll no doubt be doing more blog posts, when time and energy allows.

      • Niall Kennedy 09/11/2020 at 00:48

        I’m sure there’s software that could transcribe the audio. No idea how effective it is.

        Keep up the good work regardless.

        • nick 09/11/2020 at 20:28

          There is software that can do it, sort of. I tried a free trial on the latest episode and it wasn’t great. It costs though, like web hosting, podcast hosting and recording services. It all adds up!

  • boucherdebois 14/12/2020 at 16:41

    An erudite discussion about wool, socks, trousers and keeping warm. I would only add that flannel-lined pants, jeans or less casual chinos, do an excellent job of life without long johns.


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