A seasonal reversal – the week that was

An early Spring is a strange occurrence indeed. I yearn for Spring and tend to let Mother Nature trick me every time she stages a fake Spring, believing those sunnier and warmer days are here to stay. I still shudder at the thought of growing up in the North of Norway, where a late Spring could easily lead into an early Autumn, with nothing resembling a Summer to tell them apart.



We’ve been enjoying a tremendously warm and early Spring here though. Magnificently so. No way was old man Winter going to stage a comeback. Until this Tuesday, when overnight we got a sprinkling of snow. Just a couple of inches, enough to remind us what it looked like. And it was gone by the end of the day. Phew!



Of course, bad tidings seldom come alone, as we then got about 20″ over night. Which became more of a problem, with our orderly society collapsing in chaos. Snow is not normally an issue here, but this much, this late meant we were unprepared. Not to worry though, in a few days it will have melted away again. And much though I failed to appreciate the comeback, I do love it when Mother Nature kicks some ass.



This week was very much in the way of knots. And how to tie your shoes. After lacing them. It took me a few tries, but I did manage to work out how to tie my laces in a more secure and presentable way than the standard-issue granny knot I’d been using until now. The post is available here if you’re interested.



This weeks Trouser Tuesday reviewed the Tender 129 jeans. Singular and expensive, and very very nice. And I managed to take the photos while we still had nice weather! What will next weeks trouser review be? Will there even be one? I’m not sure, though I do have something interesting in the post, all the way from Kuala Lumpur. Now that will have you guessing, but you’ll guess wrong.



For reasons I fail to comprehend, the above photo is my most popular yet. Is it the carpets?

Anyhow, time for some well deserved Easter holiday now. The weather is picking up, the sun taking care of the errant piles of snow and all will be good in the world.

I’d really appreciate your support in a contest I have been cajoled into entering. If you follow this link and click the button marked “Stem” (vote, in Norwegian), I will be most obliged.

And don’t forget to take a look at my always changing For Sale page. I very much appreciate your interest!



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