Browsing Category : News

Consumer advocate: What can you expect from an expensive shirt?

While in Edinburgh this summer I happened to stop by Harvey Nichols and found their sale was on. I scored a cracking deal on a pair of Red Wing boots, and found an interesting shirt as well. The shirt is green, in a slightly military cut, and made from “Tencel“. This grabbed my attention, as I’d not come across it before.…

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A week in Scotland: Edinburgh (part one)

So, I know you’ve been waiting for me to report on the second half of my Summer holidays. My trip to Barcelona (really Sitges) can be read here, here and here. In stark contrast to the sunny excess of Spain, the second week saw us head off to Scotland, home of the brave and eternal rain. Or so we were…

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Lane Fortyfive, the small-batch gin of clothing?

One of the aspects I enjoy most about being a blogger is getting to know interesting people and this week I had a long chat with the chap behind new label “Lane Fortyfive“. The chat, as it turned out, was very much a coming together of minds, as Tan is ticking a huge number of checkboxes when it comes to…

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Of interest: NPS Solovair, quietly making shoes since 1881

I’m at the start of a series of posts about companies that for some reason or other interest me. Either due to unique products, some quirky aspect of their business, or because they have a background and history that is interesting. In the case of NPS Solovair, the interest starts with the company name. The NPS part dates all the…

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Blog 3 year anniversary: Quiz draw and results!

There. Quiz closed. Official results to be announced! Firstly though, I’m super chuffed by the sporting spirit shown and the number of entrants that joined in to be tested on their knowledge of WDD lore. 68 of you persevered and answered all 14 arduous questions. A large number of you even got them all correct! The prices to be drawn…

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Editorial: Ongoing quiz and an unmissable video

Easing into the weekend with snow lightly falling outside, I’m pondering today’s deep issue. With there being snow of sufficient quantity and consistency outside, why the heck am I not outside building a snowman?   View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nick / Slower Menswear (@welldresseddad)   I’m really not sure, though maybe there is a social…

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The anniversary quiz and giveaway!

Well, it’s time for another anniversary celebration here at Well Dressed mansions. The fire is roaring, as per usual, the G&T’s are flowing freely and the hounds are running wild. Good will to all mankind, fireworks, overwhelming feelings of accomplishments and all that malarkey. Wish you were here, all of you, seriously. In lieu of filling the mansion with denim…

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In case you missed them, the best of 2015 #3: Opinions

Further on from the index to all the guides and reviews I wrote in 2015, here is a handy index to what I chose to group as “opinions”. Possibly a spurious description for a motley selection of posts, some verging on the rantings of the unhinged, others merely difficult to file under any other description. A shorter list than the others, but…

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In case you missed them, the best of 2015 #2: Reviews

Further on from the index to all the guides I wrote in 2015, here is a handy index to my reviews of the year. I’ve grouped them in a hopefully logical order, to aid in your thorough perusal of posts. You might like to read the handy indices to 2014 as well, they can be found here and here! The reviews of 2015: Trousers: Wrangler…

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