Browsing Category : News

The “Country style” theme week summarised

Two weeks ago I announced my intention to do a week-long theme week on Instagram, with “Country style” as the topic. The idea was to narrow the focus a little, so instead of lying awake all night trying to decide on what outfit to wear next day (I tell a lie, I sleep quite soundly, though sadly not soundlessly), I’d…

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My first theme week on Instagram!

This week I’m going to try something new on my Instagram feed, a whole week dedicated to a single theme. Yes, I know my more or less randomly selected images are hugely popular around the world, but this week I’ve set myself a challenge. The intention is both fun and to give my ideas a little focus. My chosen theme…

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Introducing “The Garmsman Dozen”, a new weekly feature

Over the past almost five years, and over 500 posts, it’s pretty much been me and my whims that have provided the topics I’ve written about, which might be considered eclectic or wide-ranging, at least within the quite narrow scope of being more or less related to menswear. And that’s good, as it’s only my motivation that drives it, it’s…

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Pitti Uomo, my report from not going there ever

I have a terrible unawareness when it comes to the menswear tradeshows. I never seem to know when they are, I’ve never applied for a press pass and hence, I never get to go. I tell a small lie, I did in fact manage to apply once, to Bread & Butter in Berlin, and did get the press pass, but…

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Help me out: What should my next project be?

Having finished up the “Foreman” jacket I find myself at a lose end now. Getting back into sewing has been kind of fun and I want to keep up the momentum. Plus, it’s been truly gratifying to receive so much feedback and support, so I’d like to ride the wave of approval and crack on with another piece of home-made…

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Another visit to Ye Olde Londinium – day three

Did you miss day one or two? they’re right here and here. Day three was going to be our day of culture and high sophistication. This made perfect sense, as Easter Sunday is one of the very few days of the year that the commerce in London takes a day off. Usually everything is open all through the year. As it turned…

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The Hebridean Instagrams

While I finish my part one of my epic report of visiting the Hebrides to look at Harris Tweed, I though it would be nice to recap with the Instagram photos I posted while on my trip 2 weeks ago. Maybe you missed a few, or even all, or maybe you’ll just savour the opportunity of taking it in again?…

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Ventile, the ugly facts they don’t tell you

Four years ago I posted a pretty critical piece about a fabric that at the time was on the brink of enjoying something of a comeback. The main point of the article was that the historical facts that were being bandied about might not actually be as historical as they were made out to be. There was much talk of…

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The return of the Instagram roundup

It must be months if not a year now since I last posted a roundup of my finest Instagram moments. Granted, it may be more, or less, or something in between, but let’s not split hairs and graces, so to speak. Too much coffee? Hardly. Instagram does remain a nice way to post something I feel should be shared, when…

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Another visit to Ye Olde Londinium – day two

Did you miss day one? It’s right here. Day two saw us lace up and set off again. After the miserable dinner at the hotel the evening before, it was easy to skip the £27.50 breakfast they served there. Almost 30 quid for breakfast? This just goes to show that when booking a hotel in London, make sure breakfast is…

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