My first theme week on Instagram!

This week I’m going to try something new on my Instagram feed, a whole week dedicated to a single theme. Yes, I know my more or less randomly selected images are hugely popular around the world, but this week I’ve set myself a challenge. The intention is both fun and to give my ideas a little focus. My chosen theme this week will likely come as no big surprise, given my love of tweed, wool, oilskin, leather footwear and so forth.Country style, the classic British country gentleman!

And this is where my strange little twist comes into it. I’m not a classic British country gentleman. I like to think I’m a gentleman, and I am half British. I’m quite sure I’m not classic and while I do grow vegetables, I don’t partake in the sporting pursuits of the landed gentry and such. My take on this will be more akin to how the American preppy Ivy-league style was interpreted by the Japanese, where they sent a team to the US to document this style they were interested in.

The team arrived in the US and had to look long and hard to find anyone actually sporting the style they were after, as it wasn’t as prevalent as they had been led to believe. In the end, through visiting enough Ivy-league universities, they had enough photos to make a book and “Ivy style” became popular in Japan. More so than in the US. At least until it was exported back, decades later. The book “Ametora – how Japan saved American style” is a good read about this.

So, I’ll not spoil the surprise, and to be quite honest I’ve only a little more than a vague idea at this point of how this will work out, let’s hope for the best. If you feel inspired and have some good ideas, please feel free to leave a comment. I’ll be delving into the lair of lordylike garments now. Tally-hoo and pip-pip, down the pub for a snifter!

I should also say that theme week is all about the clothes and style, and my take on them. Nothing more. I’m not condoning fox hunting or anything similar, don’t read more into all this than that I’m “styling some outfits” for fun, it’s not a political statement of any kind and I’ll not be mentioning Brexit. Are we ok on that?

A few recent Instagram posts that may possibly, yet only possibly, fit within the scope:

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