Author Archives : nick

The weekly pictorial journal

And here we are again, another Friday morning and time for my little journal of what has been going on and what is coming up. Last Saturday saw us head up to Oslo to visit the new pop-up shop opened by the good people of Ætt and Livid Jeans. Bang in the middle of Aker Brygge, prime real estate in…

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Introducing the Fracap X WDD tweed and leather winter boots

It is with a certain amount of pride I’d like you to meet the result of my first design collaboration, the Fracap X WellDressedDad winter boots! When the opportunity was there to have boots made to my own design, I didn’t have to consider the matter for long. Taking the bespoke idea another step further! Fracap are a long-established Italian family shoe…

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Help! Cycling and trouser wear

To my utter surprise and dismay I discovered yesterday that my H&M “Mauritz collection” trousers in Moon Tweed had worn through in the crotch area. While denim fans see the infamous “crotch blowout” as something of an expected war injury after a long period of hard use, it’s not something I expect after what I consider to be fairly gentle and…

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That weekly Instagram journal

Another Friday and another entry in my little weekly summary of the goings on here at WellDressed mansion. This week was marked by two small, yet groundbreaking, events: the entry of H&M into the underground trend of men dressing up as steam train operators and the arrival of my first design collaboration. The H&M business was the result of a…

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Trouser Tuesday: A vintage style from a surprising source

And… we’re back! After the last run of trouser reviews you probably thought there was no more to be said about a pair of trousers, and you were almost right. Well, apart from being wrong, as will be proven as I work through a fresh stack of two-legged attire suitable for the colder season. This will most likely include some…

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A comprehensive guide to Goodyear welted shoe soles

In recent times I’ve had  a couple of pairs of my quality shoes, the ones with Goodyear welted shoe soles, resoled. In the grand scheme of things makes me something of a know-it-all, with regards to what goes on on the underside of Gentleman’s footwear. First I found a pair of custom-grade Church brogues, which I then had resoled with Dainite soles, then…

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The “back to reality” Instagram round-up

Since last weeks round-up I’ve made my way back from the chaos of India to the relative peace and calm of my home in Norway. Apart from obvious things like the temperature being about 20C colder and it raining almost all the time, I think it may be the silence and calm that makes the most difference. Cycling past what…

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How about some Indiagram for a change?

This week has been a strange one indeed. One day I’m back home in Norway enjoying cold Autumn days, the next I’m flying 12 hours across the world to New Delhi in India. A long flight, but an even greater shift in climate and culture. Stepping off the plane at Indira Ghandi international airport was strange indeed. Suddenly I was one of…

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The McNasty take on patchwork tweed

One of the big things here at Well Dressed Dad is tweed. Yes, it’s out of the bag, I do like the tweed. It’s nice and warm, for starters. It can be downright unpleasantly itchy. When not nestling against your sensitive skin though it has a tactile aspect that is wonderful. But above all, it looks absolutely fantastic. Now, I…

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Be cosmetically cautious

I am of the firm opinion that when it comes to cosmetics and grooming, men really have a very short list of products that are justifiable. Part of being a man is that you don’t spend a lot of time fussing, preening, primping, lotioning, peeling, foundationing, epilating or whatever. Isn’t it bad enough the our women feel compelled to do…

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