Garmology: Decoding the fashion industry – With Amanda “Clotheshorse” McCarty (S04/E01)

Today we swing back to the business of fashion and my guest is Amanda Lee McCarty, producer of the Clotheshorse podcast and Instagram. With her own experience in the business to draw on, Amanda goes deep into the world of decoding and demystifying the world of fashion, both fast and slow. We cover a wide range of topics in our chat and also call out many of the moves the fast fashion companies use to entice us into consumerism.

You can find Amanda’s Clotheshorse podcast on all the usual apps and streaming services, on the web at and on Instagram as @clotheshorsepodcast.

If you would like to support the podcast, feel free to buy the host a coffee!

And remember, while you can listen to the episode right here on the webpage (all episodes on the Garmology page), for the best experience, the podcast is also available on all the usual podcast sites, like Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts etc., just search for Garmology. This is very handy for listening via your phone while walking the dog, driving, cooking, or whatever activity you do where you want to listen to people talk about stuff.

Nick Johannessen is the host of Garmology, the editor of the WellDressedDad blog and WellDressedDad on Instagram. You can email Nick as Garmology (at)

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