This time of year I find myself constantly harassed, or occasionally asked, if there is anything I’d like for Xmas. “Peace and quiet, well-behaved children, and a pint of G&T” is rarely accepted as a response, as the asker was invariably after either something that could be purchased, or something that could be crafted on the basis of an empty loo roll.
So, on behalf of myself, and other chaps such as myself, here is my official Xmas wish-list (and if you’re looking for something for your chap, he’d probably like something from here as well):

One topic that keeps menswear forums alive on the Interwebz is how to take care of your boots. Whether you rock the Red Wings or some other brand, this kit contains what you need. Leather is leather and it’s needs are the same. Nice horsehair brush as well. [END]

The Shackleton brand are busy recreating garments more or less relatable to the heroic, yet doomed, expedition of Ernst Shackleton. This scarf makes a really nice supplement against parky days. All natural British wool, knitted in Britain and soft-washed to make it comfy. [Shackleton]

Or if a traditional tartan is more your style, this lambswool offering from Barbour is as Barbour as Barbour can be. Made in Scotland as well, and reasonably priced. [END]

I’ve mentioned this one before, but it didn’t mysteriously find it’s way into my hands on my Birthday last month, so I’ll run it by the jury again. The London Undercover “Defence” brolly. Looks pretty awesome and I’m sure there is either a firearm or a rapier incorporated in it. Or possibly it’s just ace for whacking street urchins with. In any case, I need one. It’s hand made in the UK, and as far as I can tell it really is all that and a bit. [END]
![Having not used a watch in years now, and not even being enamoured with the new smart watches, I was not expecting to be suckered into a traditional watch again. The Crowder ATP changed that though, with the great retro WW2 army watch style and brass case. It also fits the standard NATO watch straps and is well priced compared to the usual tat that is popular right now. And it works for both him and her. [Crowder]](
Having not used a watch in years now, and not even being enamoured with the new smart watches, I was not expecting to be suckered into a traditional watch again. The Crowder ATP changed that though, with the great retro WW2 army watch style and brass case. It also fits the standard NATO watch straps and is well priced compared to the usual tat that is popular right now. And it works for both him and her. [Crowder] (Note: I’ve arranged a 20% discount for my readers, use WELLDRESSEDDAD20 to get your discount)

Everyone needs a good pair of glovers. I’ve been wearing Hestra for the past 6 or so years now and can confirm that for the most they last well. The ones that last best are the elkskin ones, as you’d expect really when you enlist the king of the Swedish woods to provide your raw materials. I don’t actually need a new pair right now, but I’d sure like a pair. [END]

Beanies. Or knitted wool hat, as I’d call them. Notice how most of them are really flimsy and thin, more like indoor wear? Not this one from Realm & Empire, this is good and thick. Made in England as well, from 100% British wool as well. And it only has a very small little badge as well. Just right for a grownup, really. [Realm & Empire]

I’m fully stocked right now, but I thought I’d mention that having tried a number of brands and types of “styling assistance for gentlemen”, I’ve found that the offerings from Australian Uppercut work well for me. Especially if I mix a little of their Deluxe Pomade and Featherweight types. Your mileage may vary, but you heard it from me. [Uppercut]

The brand new Mister Freedom CDO jacket. Currently breaking the internet. Or at least the parts of it where people that are into this type of thing hang out. I probably shouldn’t even be showing you this, it’s akin to handout out free samples of crack. It’s nice though, isn’t it? [MisterFreedom]

Almost forgot this one: Gloverall’s terrific reinterpretation of the classic bomber jacket. In tweed. Yes, please. And it’s even at 30% off right now, a gift in itself. And made in England. [Gloverall]
Awesome find on that watch brand – looks great. I’ll definitely be replacing my 3 year old Timex Weekender with one of those at some point or another. I’m glad you didn’t buy into the Shinola bullshit.
I need a second one, as WDW has adopted the first ?