Introducing “The Garmsman Dozen”, a new weekly feature

Over the past almost five years, and over 500 posts, it’s pretty much been me and my whims that have provided the topics I’ve written about, which might be considered eclectic or wide-ranging, at least within the quite narrow scope of being more or less related to menswear. And that’s good, as it’s only my motivation that drives it, it’s not as if it’s a legitimate job or anything. Tomorrow though I’ll be introducing a new series, where I only need to write an intro and the rest is supplied by someone else. Kind of like a work-share setup, as each week there will be a different person. Or garmsman, if you like (and I like it), defined here as a garment man. My spell-checker is protesting loudly here, but I think it’s a valid term, so there.

So someone with more than a passing interest in their style and their garments. A list of questions, pick the dozen you can come up with a good reply to. It’s a simple concept, with enough interesting people to ask, and so far I’ve been very gratified by the positive responses. So much so that I’m not hesitating to announce this will be a weekly feature, a Sunday supplement to whatever else I concoct during the week. At least until I run dry of people to ask, you never know how long the good times will roll.

The mysterious first man out to answer the Garmsman Dozen caught in idle contemplation.

The mysterious first man out to answer the Garmsman Dozen, caught in idle contemplation.

To give you just a little taster though, what I’m after at the stories, the tales, the “isn’t that great?” bits. Not only that though, but the advice and tips, the “you know, I never thought of that before” things. Not necessarily ground-breaking or about to change the world, we’re not likely to suddenly invent cold-fusion round here, let’s keep just a little bit of perspective. There is scope for sharing things and not everyone knows everything. Heck, many people appear to know hardly anything at all, and yet they get to go on TV. We live in disturbing times.

Around here though, we’ll keep within the scope. If it’s properly made and made of proper stuff, we’re on board. To put you in the mood, the photo above is the chap who’ll be answering tomorrows tricky questions. And I’ll have it posted nice and early, so you can digest his wisdom while supping your first cuppa. You lead a charmed life, my friend.

The first “Garmsman Dozen” is now up, read Jon’s replies to my hard-hitting questions here.


The Garmsman Dozen, a new weekly feature on the top blog for Well Dressed Dads. Leading Twitterati describes it as "The must-read of the year, forget about the Russians meddling in elections, they should be reading more blogs like WellDressedDad!". I might have made this up. Or maybe not.

The Garmsman Dozen, a new weekly feature on the top blog for Well Dressed Dads. Leading Twitterati describes it as “The must-read of the year, forget about the Russians meddling in elections, they should be reading more blogs like WellDressedDad!”. I might have made this up. Or maybe not.

Did you miss the first Garmsman Dozens?

PS: If you have suggestions for the next garmsman, let me know. Or have your mother suggest you, if even if you’re a bit keen to suggest yourself. My email is WellDressedDad (@)

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