Tag Archives : answers

The Garmsman dozen #3: Klaus from Germany

Welcome to the third instalment of the “Garmsman Dozen” question and answer session. The response to the first two weeks has been tremendous. Did you miss Jon or Shaun? This week we welcome to the Garmsman Dozen Klaus from Germany! Who are you, where do you live and what interests you? Name: Dr. Klaus, 45 Instagram: kbaier11272 Location: Aachen, Germany Job: I…

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Introducing “The Garmsman Dozen”, a new weekly feature

Over the past almost five years, and over 500 posts, it’s pretty much been me and my whims that have provided the topics I’ve written about, which might be considered eclectic or wide-ranging, at least within the quite narrow scope of being more or less related to menswear. And that’s good, as it’s only my motivation that drives it, it’s…

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