Tag Archives : Christmas

Editorial: New Year, and the way forward

Well, the Yuletide celebrations are winding down here at the mansion and with the fireworks of the start of another New Year still shimmering on my retinas. A time for pondering over a mug of tea, the good and bad of the year that passed, and what possibilities the shiny new one holds.   View this post on Instagram A…

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Merry Xmas!

Looking out the window as I write this it’s pitch dark, rain gently drizzling down. In the distance I can see the neighbours festive lights swaying in the wind, in a desperate bid to install some yuletide cheer to all. Still, in the cosy little world of mens wear and related issues, it’s almost business as usual. I’ve got a few…

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Tips: Xmas presents for your chap, or me

This time of year I find myself constantly harassed, or occasionally asked, if there is anything I’d like for Xmas. “Peace and quiet, well-behaved children, and a pint of G&T” is rarely accepted as a response, as the asker was invariably after either something that could be purchased, or something that could be crafted on the basis of an empty…

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