Tag Archives : Boot

Editorial: New Year, and the way forward

Well, the Yuletide celebrations are winding down here at the mansion and with the fireworks of the start of another New Year still shimmering on my retinas. A time for pondering over a mug of tea, the good and bad of the year that passed, and what possibilities the shiny new one holds.   View this post on Instagram A…

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A few thoughts on caring for leather shoes

An expression came to mind last week whilst preparing a new pair of rugged Red Wing boots for use, “tough as old boots”. It got me wondering where such an expression might have come from, and also whether there was any significance in the “old” part of it. Were boots stronger in previous times? I have observed that there has been…

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Ripples, turn-ups and feminism – The week that was

Weekend is almost upon us, and it’s time for the regularly scheduled editorial and Instagram collation. This week has been mainly about the lower end of the legs, both in the photos and the subjects covered. What with the calendar mercilessly progressing forward the opportunity for Winter to make a swift and unwanted return, the season has almost quite definitely…

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Ripple soles – fun or function?

A while back I wrote a post about shoe soles, listing up the most important types and ranting a bit about ones I consider to be confusingly misnamed. One sole I decided not to include in that post were the ripple soles. Why? In my ignorance I considered it a bit of a novelty sole. In my defense it’s not one…

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Iconic Footwear: The Red Wing 877 Irish Setters

I confess, I come from a family of scavengers. Jumble sales, small ads and charity shops all get our blood pumping that little bit harder. My Saturday trip to town always includes a visit to the local Salvation Army charity shop for a quick look through their stock. 999 times out of a 1000 there is nothing worthwhile there, but…

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Iconic footwear: Paraboot Michael, classic French

Whenever we’ve been talking footwear, my mate Scratch has been going on about his Paraboot Michel shoes. Whenever I’ve done a post about footwear recommendations for the upcoming season, he’s been there, telling me that I must include Paraboot. And each time, I’ve taken a look at them and thought they looked a bit odd, but knowing that Scratch does know…

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Some fantastic footwear for the spring (and summer)

Hot on the heels of my spring jackets guide comes this, the unmissable guide to footwear for the spring season. Now, those that have been following me for a while know that I don’t do trainers or running shoes, apart from when I’m working out or running. And when it comes to style trainers really are not in my game.…

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Review: Red Wing Ice Cutters, boots for dad

For a while now I’ve been wanting to get a pair of Red Wing boots. Did I need a pair? Not for any practical purpose. I already had a couple of pairs of usable winter boots, and for me winter boots tend last a long time. Plenty of snow and ice means there is little wear on the soles, and…

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Back to the future: Red Wing Supersoles

I considered that this may bring Well Dressed Dad’s blog to boot overload – but of course, a man can never talk or know too much about stout footwear. And besides, I’m excited. The Red Wing Supersoles has a nostalgic place in my heart from my younger days. Singular appearance and actually tougher than old boots. Without raking over old…

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