Tag Archives : tips

5 points to consider before joining a Tweed Run

A tweed run is an idea almost childishly simple, something that I’m made acutely aware of whenever I mention to someone that we’re going on one this weekend. “We wear tweed and go cycling with a bunch of other similarly afflicted folks”. And indeed, that’s basically it. There is no strict demand that you even wear tweed, pretty much anything…

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12 things you need to know about menswear and fashion

“12 things you need to know about menswear“. Indeed. I was looking through the trite articles on offer on a Norwegian fashion news site this afternoon and almost every title was click-bait offering to reveal some number of somethings you desperately need to know to know about making an outfit faux pas, or not making the impression you should be…

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Tips: Xmas presents for your chap, or me

This time of year I find myself constantly harassed, or occasionally asked, if there is anything I’d like for Xmas. “Peace and quiet, well-behaved children, and a pint of G&T” is rarely accepted as a response, as the asker was invariably after either something that could be purchased, or something that could be crafted on the basis of an empty…

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The final squeak of the sales…

Yep, you may have thought the sales were all over, but no, there are still bits and pieces out there, and in the final dying gasp of the sales the best bargains are there to be had. Sitting in a hotel room in Delhi with nothing much to do, I decided to have a little poke around and see what…

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Some great jackets for spring and summer

With the incredible amounts of rain falling from the skies these days, it’s obvious that something seasonal is going on. And a change in seasons means a change of wardrobe, at least if you’re listening to what the fashionistas are saying. Anyhow, be it as it may be, if you are actually looking for something new this season, I thought…

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