Garmology podcast: Upcycled surplus stories – With Philipp Maertens, Taktonik (#137)

This week on the podcast, we venture to Germany for an engaging conversation with Philipp Maertens from Taktonik. Taktonik specializes in crafting bags and other products from upcycled army surplus materials. Philipp shares how his fascination with creating was ignited by the discovery of shiny trousers fashioned from airmail bags. We delve into Philipp’s unique approach of weaving narratives through the amalgamation of materials sourced from diverse origins, including his process of repurposing metal zips from G-suits. The discussion also explores the rich history of camouflage and the fascinating intricacies behind silk escape maps. We touch upon the power of social media in connecting individuals with shared passions globally and the significance of upcycling highly specific military gear in sustainability efforts. And of course, we couldn’t forget to discuss the experience of meeting your idols.

You can find  Philip and Taktonik on the web  as and on Instagram as @taktonik


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