The weeks that were – a bumper catch-up

What with convalescence and a long Easter holiday I quite forgot to post my weekly summary of Instagram images. To make up for this unacceptably poor level of service, I hereby offer up an almost full selection. And to add further joy to the event, a lot of the images are of the evil twins, or triplets, in some cases. I trust you enjoy it to the fullest.

A new project is underway, trying to find some shampoos for men with sensible ingredients. Having discovered my new bottle of Truefitt & Hill “Frequent use shampoo” was about as bad as it could possibly get, I’m now on a mission to find some products that won’t double as paint strippers. I have a few already, and will write to the makers asking for samples (this seems a better idea than buying loads of stuff, as I did for the Great Shaving Cream test…).

And since Summer still appears to be a way off, I’m still enjoying the transitional season gear. With the mornings barely into single positive digits on the thermometer and the ride home in almost 20, smart layering is needed, and a backpack to carry the extra clothing.



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