Tag Archives : shampoo

Grooming: A sensible and low key take on male grooming

I’ve had a few emails asking me about my “grooming regime”. I take this to mean there are people curious about how much coconut water I drink, which mud-masks I prefer on a rainy Tuesday evening, which carefully formulated lotions and potions I enjoy slathering my skin with, whether I prefer hair tonic to gin & tonic, whither scents of…

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Editorial: Ongoing quiz and an unmissable video

Easing into the weekend with snow lightly falling outside, I’m pondering today’s deep issue. With there being snow of sufficient quantity and consistency outside, why the heck am I not outside building a snowman?   View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nick / Slower Menswear (@welldresseddad)   I’m really not sure, though maybe there is a social…

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The weeks that were – a bumper catch-up

What with convalescence and a long Easter holiday I quite forgot to post my weekly summary of Instagram images. To make up for this unacceptably poor level of service, I hereby offer up an almost full selection. And to add further joy to the event, a lot of the images are of the evil twins, or triplets, in some cases.…

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Be cosmetically cautious

I am of the firm opinion that when it comes to cosmetics and grooming, men really have a very short list of products that are justifiable. Part of being a man is that you don’t spend a lot of time fussing, preening, primping, lotioning, peeling, foundationing, epilating or whatever. Isn’t it bad enough the our women feel compelled to do…

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