The end of summer comes to Instagram

Another Friday and another collection of the past weeks postings to Instagram. An odd week, as it proved to be the end of the quite extraordinary summer we have been having, with too much sun and too much heat. And we will miss it far too much as well. Temperature has now dropped off noticeably and we’ve had days on end with torrential rain and much lightning and thunder. Which has been terrific for those of us that enjoy big weather!

Tomorrow sees me head into round three of the Great Shaving Cream Investigation. Products 5 and 6 of what is turning into quite a pile of costly products. Round 1 and round 2 are available to peruse in detail. I trust you appreciate fully the lengths I am going to provide you, dear reader, with quality information.

Next week sees me heading to London, mainly on business, but there will also be time to dig out more interesting things to write about. I’ve arranged a few things for next Saturday, but may have time for a couple more, so drop me an email if you have something great to show me and would like to meet for a chat and a coffee.

1 Comment

  • markjhollingsworth 15/08/2014 at 09:18

    Hi Nick

    If you have time we should meet in London during your visit. David (Grey Fox ) and I are just starting to plan ‘Middle aged man style bloggers’ lunch for next May and make it an annual event. Love to have you involved. Let me know

    Best wishes


    Mark Hollingsworth MBA FInstLM 07598 755627



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